
No more bad throws, training like the best

Is no surprise to anyone that Ultimate Frisbee requieres a lot of hard work and training. Is for this reason that we’ve come to you with a special throwing routine. With this routine you will be able to perfect your throws and at the same time gain more resistance. 

Person training for ultimate frisbee at the beach
Image by zerpixelt from Pixabay

Resistance training

  1. 6 runs of 15 meters (repeat 6 times)
    • Try doing it in under 30 seconds
  2. 2 runs of 30 meters (repeat 6 times)
    • Try doing it in under 30 seconds

You will repeat this set 4 times with 1 minute breaks in between.

Throwing training

  1. 11 impecable backhand flat
  2. 11 impecable forehand flat
  3. 11 impecable inside out backhand
  4. 11 impecable outside in backhand
  5. 11 impecable inside out forehand
  6. 11 impecable outside in forehand
  7. 11 impecable hammer
  8. 11 impecable scoober

Impecable means that if you drop the disk the count start back on 0.

With this training session you will be able to gain more resistance and increase you throwing skill.

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