
Kansas City Chiefs win the LVII Super Bowl

Kansas City Chiefs win the LVII Super Bowl over the Philadelphia Eagles giving us one of the best Super Bowl of all times.

Patrick Mahomes with the LVII Super Bowl Trophy after his win with Kansas City Chief
First Half

This past Sunday one of the biggest sporting events took place with the Chiefs and the Eagles facing off for the LVII Super Bowl. On the first quarter, things looked somewhat even between both teams with a slight advantage for the Eagles.

Things changed on the second quarter as the Eagles showed a more aggressive defense and offense. The only points Kansas was able to make in this quarter were thanks to an error committed by Jalen Hurts (Philadelphia’s quarterback). Thanks to this, they were able to dominate and end the first half with a 10 points lead.

Half Time Show

For the Half Time show, Rihanna was the selected star. She wore a red outfit while her dancers wore a white one. She preformed many of her hits while standing in a floating platforms that descended from above.

second Half

After this great performance the second half of the game started. During this time the tables changed drastically, as the Kansas City Chiefs came onto the field looking like the superior team. During the third quarter the Chiefs scored 7 points and the Eagles only 3. Now on the 4th quarter, the Chiefs came like there was no tomorrow and scored 17 points while the Eagles only managed to scored 8. Kansas City scored in every possession they had during the second half.

There was a controversial play during this half, were James Bradberry committed a foul by grabbing onto his player giving the Chiefs the opportunity tu score what could be said as the winning play.

Other notes

Something that must be noted is the fact that the field wasn’t the best one. The players were constantly slipping while playing. We saw many change their cleats from quarter to quarter. One of them was Hurts for the second quarter.

It’s important to say that what we saw that night was quite the spectacle. Both Jale Hurts and Patrick Mahomes played splendid and showed incredible skill during the entire match. Mahomes was even elected as Super Bowl MVP.

Many have called this the best Super Bowl of all times.

What do you think, was this the best Super Bowl of all? If not, tell us which was your favorite in the comment section!

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