
Kings book their first ticket to the NBA playoffs in 16 years

Since 2006 the Sacramento Kings hadn’t being able to advance to the playoffs, but this past Wednesday they booked their ticket once again.

Kings celebrating after getting their pass to the NBA playoff for the first time in 16 years

Since last Saturday the Kings were eligible to get their pass to the NBA playoffs. They had many was to advance, but they decided to take to best rout possible. They won their match 120-80 against Portland Trail Blazers and booked their ticket to the next stage.

This has been a long waited goal the team and the fans wanted to achieve, but this isn’t all. The team coach has expressed that they are looking for more in this season.

Mike Brown, the team coach, said: “We want to give [the fans] a lot more than we’ve given them so far already because they’re more than deserving of it. And you know, when you have a fan base that’s as intelligent, rather passionate about not only their team, but their city too, you could feel it’s a prideful thing.”

Moments before the end of the match the Kings’ fans started chanting “Light the Beam”. This is a new trend that has been following the team in each victory this season. At Golden 1 Center they light a beam of purple light when they win.

How far are the Kings going to get this season? Give us your insight in the comment section!

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