
Luis Rubiales, Jennifer Hermoso, what is going on in Spain?

Luis Rubiales and Jennifer Hermoso have been in the eye of the storm after the Spanish selection won the Women’s World Cup.

Luis Rubiales and Jennifer Hermoso kissing after Spain won the Women's World Cup

Even with all the scandals going on, many people don’t understand the real situation. Here we will explain all the details of the event surrounding Rubiales and Hermoso’s kiss during the World Cup.

First of all, it’s essential to know that Luis Rubiales is the president of the Real Federación Española de Fútbol (RFEF) and an ex-football player with a career full of polemics. Jennifer Hermoso is a professional football player who currently plays for Spain’s national team and C.F. Pachuca in Mexico.

How it started

During the World Cup ceremony following Spain’s victory, Jennifer Hermoso encountered Luis Rubiales. He embraced her and afterward proceeded to kiss her on the lips. From that moment onwards things started to go south for RFEF’s president.

To put the cherry on the cake, Hermoso claimed in a livestream that she did;t enjoy the moment. This instantly made most of the world focus on that kiss and almost forget about the actual victory.


Other footballers, the media, and some Spanish officials started to criticize the actions of Rubiales.

Seeing all the pressure, he quickly offered a public apology saying that he was “sorry for those who were offended.” Even afterwards many people wanted him to step down from his position.

On the 24th of August, FIFA opened an investigation into Rubiales’ actions for disciplinary misconduct. A preliminary verdict was sentenced on the 26th of August suspending him from all “football-related activities” for a total of 90 days until a final verdict can be taken.

RFEF emergency meeting

Due to the situation, the RFEF called an emergency meeting. Many thought that Luis Rubiales was going to resign in the meeting, however, they were in for a surprise.

Rubiales gave a speech during the meeting saying: “Do you really think I deserve this hunt? People demanding my resignation? Is this so serious for me to resign?” This wasn’t all, he continued: “I’m not going to resign! I’m not going to resign!…” and repeated the phrase several times. He also claimed that Jenni Hermoso had given him consent to give her the kiss: “and I asked her [Jeniffer Hermoso]: a kiss? And she said: OK.”

Luis de la Fuente, among other officials, was seen giving Rubiales a standing ovation after the speech.

Following the ceremony and the message given by the president, the 23 players of Spain’s World Cup winning squad claimed that they won’t play another math for the national team until Rubiales resigns. As well, many other players and ex-players signed the letter.

In this letter, Hermoso also gave her side of the story. She said that she had never consented to the kiss: “At no time did I consent to the kiss he gave me.”

Luis Rubiales’ mother hunger strike

Seeing the situation and worried about her son, Rubiales’ mother, Angeles Bejar, wanted to end the hatred directed at his son and locked herself in a church in Motril. She claimed that this was an “inhuman hunt”. However, things didn’t last long since her stick started on the 28th of August and she had to be taken to a hospital on August 30. A local priest, Father Antonio, said that Ms. Bejar was “not feeling well because of the heat and everything else.

Thankfully Ms. Bejar was discharged on the 31st of August.

UEFA’s reaction

UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin described the kiss as “inappropriate”. During a UEFA press conference, he claimed: “We all know that. I hope he [Luis Rubiales] knows it was out of order. That’s enough for the time being because the disciplinary committee will decide.”

Luis de la Fuente apology

Luis de la Fuente was strongly criticized for his standing ovation for Rubiales’s speech previously mentioned. Due to this, he took the opportunity during a press conference to apologize for what happened.

“I have received very strong criticism, which is totally deserved, I am sorry and I apologise” referring to the ovation.

De la Fuente understood an apology was necessary, however, he is not considering resigning from his position as Spain’s manager.

He claimed he was expecting Rubiales to resign in the meeting like many others.


Spain’s Administrative Sport Court (TAD) has opened a case due to the situation. They cataloged it as a “serious” breach of conduct. This difficult thing for the Spanish government which is trying to force Luis Rubiales out of his position. However, since it was cataloged as a “serious” and not a “very serious” breach the government can’t act at this time.

Miquel Iceta, Spain’s minister of culture and sport, said: “TAD only considers the [offenses] serious. We believe that they are very serious. The Superior Sports Council itself has directly suspended Mr. Rubiales if they were very serious. But as TAD has not qualified it as such, it is up to the court itself. We will file a request for them to take that position .”

This means that Rubiales could be back in the office after the 90-day sanction imposed by FIFA if no verdict or change has been dictated by that time.

The final results of all of this are going to mark the beginning of a new are for the RFEF and Spanish football.

What are your opinions regarding the situation?

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